The Importance Of A CA In Company Registration: What It Means For Your Business

Every business entrepreneur must be familiar with The Companies Act and the importance of registering their company as per the guidelines in the act. If a business owner wants to run their business legally, then they must attain the necessary licenses by registering their business as a legal establishment. The procedure for company registration involves a lot of intricacies and a Chartered Accountant (CA) is the best person who can do this job seamlessly.

If you are of the notion that a Chartered Accountant is only meant to file your taxes and help with bookkeeping, then you are wrong. You may now enlighten yourself with the fact that Chartered Accountants can help with company registration processes as well. Let us now understand the process of company registration and how a CA can help you throughout the process.

Process Of Company Registration in Dwarka

The process of company registration requires you to follow a few steps and if you hire a CA, then you can easily achieve these steps without investing much of your time or effort.

  • Acquiring A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC): Thanks to digital technology, we can now sign important online documents electronically, while also authenticating our signature. We can do so by acquiring a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC).

For the successful registration of your company, you will need a DSC. This way, you can file online forms easily and submit them to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). Your hired CA can help you acquire a DSC. If you are looking for a CA to help you with your company registration in Dwarka, then Garg Goyal & Associates are the best experts who can guide you throughout the process.

  • Obtaining A Director Identification Number (DIN): The director of the company must obtain a Director Identification Number (DIN) which is necessary for the registration process. Your hired CA can help you with the online DIN application and its approval.
  • Getting Your Company A Name: You cannot choose a name for your company that resembles another company’s name. Your hired chartered accountant can help you choose an uncommon, distinctive name and get it approved by the MCA in very little time.
  • Composing the MOA and AOA: Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles Of Association (AOA) are extremely important documents that need to be filed for the successful registration of a company. The MOA includes the company’s details, while the AOA consists of certain rules and guidelines to be adopted by the company. Your hired CA can help with MOA and AOA preparation and filing.
  • Acquiring The Certificate of Incorporation: The Certificate of Incorporation is legal proof of the existence of your company as a legal entity. After submitting all the necessary documents, the MCA approves them and finally hands over the Certificate of Incorporation. Your CA can get your documents approved easily by the MCA and issue you the certificate.
  • Acquiring A PAN and TAN: Once you receive your Certificate of Incorporation, your CA will help you acquire a Permanent Account Number (PAN) and Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number (TAN). If you are looking for GST registration in Dwarka, then Garg Goyal & Associates can help you acquire a GSTIN along with a PAN and TAN.


The entire process of company registration is tedious and overwhelming. However, if you hire a Chartered Accountant (CA) for this purpose, then your hired CA will help you obtain the Certificate of Incorporation in minimal time by following the guidelines of the Companies Act. If you are looking for a well-experienced CA team in Dwarka, then Garg Goyal & Associates takes pride in their portfolio and achievements.